Sabtu, 07 Maret 2009

Penyalahgunaan NAPZA di kalangan pelajar

Jurnal ini merupakan warning bagi kita semua. Apabila ada komentar bisa langsung hubungi saya di nomer telpon 0361-8585029, atau 08174709797.
AAAP 2008: US College Students Abuse Stimulants More than Opioids
Study Reveals a "Startling Number" Use Injection as Mode of Delivery
Marlene Busko

December 12, 2008 (Boca Raton, Florida) — College students in the United States report abusing stimulants more than opioids, and a "startling number" use intravenous injection as a mode of opioid delivery, new research suggests.
Results from a national online survey examining nonmedical prescription drug use in this population showed that 29% of respondents used stimulants, 21% used opioids, and 50% used both. In addition, the results showed that a significant proportion commonly used injection as a route of administration.

"Almost 10% of students using prescription pain killers said that they injected the drugs, and this has major public-health implications, including the possibility of transmission of hepatitis or AIDS," the study's principal investigator, Richard C. Dart, MD, PhD, from the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center, Denver Health and Hospital Authority, in Colorado, told Medscape Psychiatry.
"Psychiatrists treating college students for substance abuse should ask about the routes by which their patients are using the drugs, because this could identify more problematic drug users," he said.

The study was presented here at the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry 19th Annual Meeting and Symposium by coinvestigator Alicia Montoya, MS, from the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center.
Dramatic Rise in Prescription Drug Abuse
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, poisoning is a leading cause of accidental death in the United States, second only to motor-vehicle accidents, and abuse of prescription drugs, a major component of poisoning, has been increasing "dramatically," said Dr. Dart.

Prescription drug abuse is increasingly seen among college students, but the motives, routes of administration, and sources of the drug are not well described. Better understanding is needed to develop effective prevention and intervention efforts, he said.
To explore the characteristics of college students who use prescription opioids and/or stimulants for nonmedical reasons, the researchers examined data from the Researched Abuse, Diversion and Addiction-Related Surveillance (RADARS) system.

In December 2007, students who had attended college during the fall of 2007 were invited to participate in the national online survey. Respondents were asked to report use of any prescription drugs not specifically prescribed to them during the fall of 2007.

Reasons for Abuse

A total of 10,083 students responded to the survey, including 1662 students aged 18 to 29 years who reported nonmedical prescription drug use. Of the 1043 respondents who reported stimulant and/or opioid use, 523 used both, 298 used only stimulants, and 222 used only opioids. Females were more likely than males to use only opioids (64% vs 36%).

The most commonly used stimulants were amphetamines and methylphenidate, with rates of 68% and 38%, respectively. The most commonly used opioids were hydrocodone (57.31%), oxycodone (31.68%), and morphine (14.5%). Other opioids included buprenorphine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, methadone, and tramadol.
Students took stimulants or opioids for similar reasons, mainly to obtain a specific feeling. Strikingly, 29% used the drugs to treat withdrawal symptoms.

Prescriptions a Common Source
Although most students swallowed the drugs, up to 20% inhaled them and up to 10% injected them.
The most commonly inhaled drugs were buprenorphine, methadone, and methylphenidate, with about a quarter of users reporting this mode of administration.
The most commonly injected drugs were morphine (37%), fentanyl (15%), and oxymorphone (13%).

Legitimate prescriptions appear to be a common source. Stimulants were most commonly obtained from friends (59%) or physicians (45%). Similarly, opioids were mainly obtained from friends (46%) and physicians (47%).
Family members or other people were the source of 30% of drugs, less than 8% of the medications were stolen, and less than 5% were purchased over the Internet.

Stimulants were used more frequently for performance enhancement (for example, to help students stay awake when studying for exams), whereas opioids are used more to 'party', said Dr. Dart.
"The study sampled a particular group of students who were willing to reply to a survey, and it was not designed to estimate prevalence," he cautioned. However, he added, it does shed light on the characteristics of this population, and identifies that a significant proportion of students report abusing drugs by intravenous injection.
Dr. Dart and Alicia Montoya report being employed by RADARS system.

American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry 19th Annual Meeting and Symposium: Paper Presentation Session 2. December 6, 2008.

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009

Kliping Kesehatan Mental

Jangan Anggap Remeh Gangguan Jiwa.

Dalam seminggu ini begitu banyak peristiwa kekerasan mengguncang perhatian kita. Tengoklah betapa hebat kemarahan warga Karang-asem terhadap bapak Bupati mereka, yang sebenarnya tak tahu-menahu permasalahan KKM dan sedang berusaha membantu mencarikan jalan keluar. Seorang perawat yang sedang bertugas tiba-tiba dihadiahi tamparan oleh keluarga pasien yang sedang dia tolong. Mengapa masyarakat kita menjadi begitu mudah marah? Di mana gerangan sifat kelembutan dan keramahan bangsa ini yang dulu begitu dikagumi oleh bangsa lain?
Mari kita introspeksi diri, adakah sepuluh gejala depresi di bawah ini sedang terjadi dalam diri kita?
1. Merasa sedih hampir setiap hari hampir sepanjang hari.
2. Kehilangan minat dan kegembiraan, mudah menjadi marah / tersinggung.
3. Kurang energi dan mudah lelah, meskipun baru bekerja sedikit saja.
4. Kurang / sulit konsentrasi.
5. Kurang / tidak percaya diri.
6. Merasa diri tak berguna dan menyalahkan diri sendiri.
7. Pandangan masa depan yang suram dan pesimistis.
8. Sering berpikir tentang kematian, atau mengharapkan kematian dan kadang melakukan
tindakan membahayakan diri.
9. Tidur terganggu (bisa kurang tidur ataupun tidur banyaaaaaak sekali).
10. Nafsu makan terganggu (nafsu makan bisa kurang, hilang atau sebaliknya jadi meningkat).
Apabila ada beberapa gejala yang cocok dengan Anda, barangkali benar Anda sedang Depresi. Jangan abaikan gangguan ini, karena bisa membahayakan diri sendiri, keluarga dan orang-orang yang Anda cintai.
Jika Anda memiliki berbagai permasalahan terkait kesehatan mental, jangan segan-segan bertanya dan mendiskusikannya dengan kami.

Untuk hal-hal yang lebih privacy silahkan hubungi e-mail :

Kamis, 05 Maret 2009

Family Gathering

Kami mengundang Bapak / Ibu / Saudara-i untuk ikut dalam kegiatan Family Gathering yang diadakan
Jl. Antasura No. 20-XX Denpasar - Bali

Dalam acara ini kita bisa saling berbagi tentang berbagai hal menyangkut perkembangan anak, remaja serta keharmonisan keluarga. Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut dan konfirmasi pendaftaran silahkan hubungi nomor 0361-418500 atau langsung mampir ke GRACE CENTER.

Pentingnya Kesehatan Mental

Menurut WHO definisi sehat bukanlah sekedar terbebas dari suatu penyakit atau kecacadan, tetapi lebih luas lagi sehat secara mental, sosial dan spiritual.

Permasalahan Kesehatan Mental sampai saat ini benar-benar menjadi momok bagi banyak kalangan, terutama karena masyarakat sendiri sering menganggapnya sebagai suatu stigma, yang tidak enak untuk diceritakan dan dibuka kepada orang lain. Mengalami gangguan mental masih dianggap sebagai suatu hal yang sangat memalukan. Di berbagai tempat dan kelompok bahkan dianggap sebagai suatu 'hukuman' terkait kesalahan diri sendiri ataupun leluhurnya.

Akibatnya mereka akan berupaya menghilangkan gangguan tersebut dengan berbagai cara yang 'bukan medis'. Ada kisah lucu yang diceritakan oleh beberapa klien, mereka justru dianjurkan untuk menemui psikiater oleh para pengobat tradisional yang mereka temui. Pesan para tradisional healer tersebut adalah : semua urusan spiritual sudah bersih, sisa satu saja : urusan medis, jadi silahkan datang ke klinik House of Grace, di situ ada dokter Lely yang psikiater!


Berbagai gangguan jiwa bisa menimpa siapapun, tanpa kecuali, mulai dari yang paling ringan seperti kecemasan, tidak percaya diri, terikat rokok dan berbagai minuman keras, terus menerus didera rasa sakit yang tak juga kunjung sembuh (termasuk sakit kepala, leher, punggung, tangan-kaki, asam lambung yang sering tiba-tiba meningkat, asma ataupun sesak nafas yang kambuh berulang-ulang, dll.), insomnia, sedih yang tak kunjung selesai alias depresi, pingin mati (ada orang yang hanya berani berharap kematian, tapi ada juga orang-orang yang bener-bener nekad mencoba untuk cepet mati!). Tak heran angka kejadian bunuh diri begitu tinggi setahun terakhir!

Jika ada diantara saudara yang pernah mengalami atau memiliki teman / keluarga yang pernah mengalami gangguan seperti di atas, tak usah segan-segan untuk bertanya. Atau kalau ingin jawaban yang lebih privacy silahkan kirim e-mail ke: